Oh Em Gee!

Oh Em Gee!

Good evening! I have had such a GREAT day!!! My time is so short this evening to get my blog posted before midnight tonight!! So, here is the VERY abbreviated version of my day with my dad and Trudi!!! Got up early! Rallied the troops 



Good evening! AAACK!! Only 15 minute until I have to get this post posted!!! EEK!! Remember, I am trying to post at least once EVERY day for at least one year, and I am almost just 3 months away from making that goal!! I DO 

Getting In Touch with the Inner Me!

Getting In Touch with the Inner Me!

Good evening! I don’t know exactly where to start, but I had the opportunity to take a Soul Collage class and I am so VERY GRATEFUL that I did. First of all this class was given by the FABULOUSLY GRACIOUS Glenda Goodrich, AKA GG! This 

A New Portrait!

A New Portrait!

Good evening! I have spent some time in the art studio today doing some painting, and I have finished my next piece of art. This piece was inspired by a couple of things: I have always wanted to do a self portrait; it has been 

Gotta Dance!

Gotta Dance!

Good evening! I have gotten home from my belly dancing class this evening, and I am still really jazzed!! I have to tell you, it is such a happy class! It is hard for me to go there and not have an absolutely great time!! 

The Many Faces of Happy!

The Many Faces of Happy!

Good evening! Man, WHAT A GREAT WEEKEND WE HAVE HAD!! Whew! Sorry for shouting, I just had to get that out of my system!!! Well starting at the beginning, Friday Jason and I went over to our friends’ Rachel and Kevin’s, who we hadn’t seen 

The New Me!

The New Me!

Good evening! Ok, sometimes I even dazzle myself!! Tonight was the first night of my new belly dancing class, I have officially graduated on to the intermediate class! WHOO-HOO!! That, however, is not the amazing part. Ok, let me back up a bit. Taking the 

A Gorgeous Day!

A Gorgeous Day!

Good evening! It has been an absolutely gorgeous day here in Oregon. It was a bit on the toasty side today, but I just got back fromĀ  nice long swim in our chilly pool, which was absolutely refreshing, and we have air conditioning in our 

A New Piece of Art!

A New Piece of Art!

Good evening! As most of you know, I have just recently become a new collage artist, so I am really learning about different techniques, and flexing my bravery muscles by putting some of these techniques together in a way that represents something inside of me! 



Good evening! I thought the word “Fearless” would be an appropriate term for this evening!! I just got done with my belly dancing class, and I am feeling TERRIFIC!!! Tonight was the last class of a three month session, and we are now off for