Tsunami Friday!

Tsunami Friday!

I usually start every blog by saying, “Good morning!”, but this morning that feels a little disrespectful to all of the people in the world today affected by the massive 8.9 earthquake that hit Japan, and the resulting Tsunami that is still spreading its way 

You Have Your Vision Board, Now What?

You Have Your Vision Board, Now What?

Thank God it is Friday evening!! My stress level is so high, that my eye has started to twitch – NEVER A GOOD SIGN!! LOL! My go-live week, at work,  is technically over, BUT we have sooooo much work to do!!! I am going to 

Quote of the Day!

Quote of the Day!

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go.” – Dr. Seuss I hope you are having a FABULOUS day! 😉

Learning Spontaneity!

Learning Spontaneity!

You might be surprised to hear that I sometimes have problems with being spontaneous – shocking, I am sure!!! LOL!! (YES, Sweetie, that was a joke!) 😉 Well, I took a large leap of “Look at me, I can be spontaneous”, and took an impromptu 

Pics from My Weekend!!

Pics from My Weekend!!

As I promised yesterday, her are some pictures from my weekend with our new friends and family!!! 😉 I hope you enjoy! Have a FABULOUS evening! 😉

Weekend Update!

Weekend Update!

OK, so where do I begin!??? Well, wait – before I start, I wanted to say thank you to my two youngest sisters, Jennifer & Trina!!  I had to call them super late on Friday night to get some help getting un-lost – I KNOW 

Just Chilling in Wisconsin

Just Chilling in Wisconsin

It is official, I am in Madison, Wisconsin!! I am here for the next 4 days for some computer training. I flew in a day early so that I could get settled, and refreshed and ready for class tomorrow morning, and honey, I am sooooo 



To say that my Sweetie and I had a GREAT time this past weekend is a HUGE understatement. I agreed to a weekend getaway with the caveat that my husband was allowed to be 100% in charge!!! Now, for those of you who don’t yet