Making a Girl Happy!

Making a Girl Happy!

Good evening! I had a pretty not-so-good-kinda day and, unfortunately, that is becoming more and more the norm these days. Now to not sound too much of a suzie-downer. That is not what I want to talk about, what I do want to talk about 

Do You Have a Dream?

Do You Have a Dream?

Good evening! I have had an Ah-Ha moment this evening. A couple of weeks ago I had picked up a copy of a book called The Dream Giver by Bruce Wilkinson. It was one of those purchases that was unplanned and kind of random, but 

Oh Em Gee!

Oh Em Gee!

Good evening! I have had such a GREAT day!!! My time is so short this evening to get my blog posted before midnight tonight!! So, here is the VERY abbreviated version of my day with my dad and Trudi!!! Got up early! Rallied the troops 

A Relaxing Saturday!

A Relaxing Saturday!

Good evening! I am having a very relaxing Saturday at home with my sweetie! I wanted to share some more pics from my weekend with my sisters with you this evening! I found these two FABULOUS vintage train cases, that looking at them now, I 

It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye!

It’s So Hard to Say Goodbye!

Good evening! Have I ever told you that I have a really hard time with goodbyes? My sweetie and I did something that we probably shouldn’t have done and that was made ONE MORE trip down to Borders before it actually closes it’s doors this 

Someone Went to the Craft Store Today!

Someone Went to the Craft Store Today!

Good afternoon! Before I spend the afternoon playing in my art studio, I just wanted to share that SOMEBODY went to the craft store today…hmmmm…that someone was MEEEE!! I am SUCH a sucker for a trip to the CRAFT STOOOORE!!! Ok, so I MAY have 

A Happy Monday!

A Happy Monday!

Good evening! I am very happy to report that today has been a very happy Monday! I managed to get myself up bright and early at 5:30 am to write my morning pages, which felt pretty darn good to get that habit started back up 



Good evening! This morning I stumbled across this quote that I haven’t been able to get out of my mind all day. “What you can do or dream you can do, begin it, boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” ~Johann von Goethe There 

So Long Borders!

So Long Borders!

Good evening! Well, it is official! Jason and I went to Borders this evening, and it already is nothing like the safe haven that we had come to know and love. The coffee shop, Seattle’s Best, is already closed, the chairs are all stacked and 

The Many Faces of Happy!

The Many Faces of Happy!

Good evening! Man, WHAT A GREAT WEEKEND WE HAVE HAD!! Whew! Sorry for shouting, I just had to get that out of my system!!! Well starting at the beginning, Friday Jason and I went over to our friends’ Rachel and Kevin’s, who we hadn’t seen