Monday, November 7, 2016

Monday, November 7, 2016

Good morning, world!! It is hard to believe that our weekend is over. It is actually kind of hard to believe we had a weekend! We did SOOOO MUCH stuff in the past 2 days. I put out videos, we did a bunch house chores, 

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Good morning, world! This morning, I am getting a little bit later start than normal. My hubby and I slept in a little bit, which was really nice, and oh-so-needed!! 🙂 Jason has zipped off to go get some eggs this morning. He is the 

Happiness Friday!

Happiness Friday!

Good afternoon, I just wanted to share with you a few happy IG posts that I’ve stumbled upon this week, to spread the happy!! 😉 A photo posted by bella (@white.chihuahua) on Aug 2, 2015 at 12:36pm PDT A photo posted by Yoga Inspiration (@yogainspiration) 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Friday, November 4, 2016

Good morning, world! Jason has just left to go to work, and of course my sweet Sophie girl is curled up asleep, next to me, as I play on my computer this morning! This is starting to become our morning ritual, Sophie girl & I! 

Dreaming of a Lovely Christmas at Home!

Dreaming of a Lovely Christmas at Home!

Good afternoon, my beautiful creatives! I am dreaming of Christmas in my new house. We are not there yet. We actually do not move in until December 1st. In my world, we put up our Christmas decorations on November first. My hubby and I have 

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Good morning, world! I am sitting in my living room, with my sweet Sophie girl already asleep by my side, her matronly age is starting to show. It is still early morning, and it is very quiet. My sweetie has already left for another day of 

Mixed Media with Chrissie B #4

Mixed Media with Chrissie B #4

Good morning! It has been a couple of days since I have posted this latest video out on YouTube, but I wanted to make sure that I get this post up for you! This week, as I got ready to do this art journal spread, 

Mixed Media with Chrissie B #2

Mixed Media with Chrissie B #2

Good evening! I am very excited to announce that I have posted a new Mixed Media with Chrissie B video, this is actually video #2, to be exact! SIDE NOTE: mama is tired!! I am having a BLAST putting out so many new videos, but man, 

Today I Choose!

Today I Choose!

Quote taken from the movie, The Answer Man: Kris Lucas: Why can’t I do the things I want to do? There’s so much I know I’m capable of that I never actually do. Why is that? Arlen Faber: The trick is to realize that you’re 

Cuppa Chat #4: Starting a Revolution!

Cuppa Chat #4: Starting a Revolution!

Good morning, my Beautiful Creatives!! I am just so FREAKIN’ JAZZED about this week’s Cuppa Chat video!! I can BARELY CONTAIN MY EXCITMENT!!  Hoo! Hoo! Hee! Hoo! Hoo! Hee!! Ok, I am feeling a little bit better now!! This week’s Cuppa Chat was in response