An Evening at the Arbor!

An Evening at the Arbor!

Good evening! I am in the middle of a very lovely weekend, and instead of spending too much time telling you all about it so far, since I can tell you about my weekend in it’s entirety, with tomorrow’s post. I thought I would just 

A Gorgeous Day!

A Gorgeous Day!

Good evening! It has been an absolutely gorgeous day here in Oregon. It was a bit on the toasty side today, but I just got back from  nice long swim in our chilly pool, which was absolutely refreshing, and we have air conditioning in our 

A Day of Collage Play!

A Day of Collage Play!

Good evening! I have had the most MAGICAL weekend, and it is still only Saturday!! I want to tell you all about my LOVELY evening with my sweetie last night, but I have decided, with his blessing, to save that story for tomorrow!! You see, 

A Night of Private Lessons!

A Night of Private Lessons!

Good evening! Tonight was my belly dancing class, just in case you have been hiding someplace and hadn’t heard me say it for the umpteenth time!! BELLY DANCING THURSDAYS!!! WHOO! HOO!! Hee! Hee!! Hoo!! Hee! Hee!! Hoo!! Ok, I have gotten myself back under control!! 

A Blast From the Past!

A Blast From the Past!

Good evening! Happy Mother’s Day to all of you mothers out there, or those Aunties, Sisters, Girlfriends, or Daughters who sometimes have an active mothering role to someone special in your life out there (that covers just about all of us, I think!!)!!! Today, my 

I’m Getting Married in the Morning!

I’m Getting Married in the Morning!

Good evening! Ok, I’M not actually getting married in the morning, and it isn’t ACTUALLY in the morning, it is on 9-10-11. But my BFF Dawn is getting married, and her sis, Heather is Dawn’s Maid of Honor, and I get to be her Maitron 

Finally Friday!!

Finally Friday!!

Good evening!! I wasn’t sure that this day would get here, but now that it is, I am soooo thankful!! I really need a break from work!! My sweetie and I spent some time down at Borders this afternoon, and of course, I bought a 

A Monday of Positivity!

A Monday of Positivity!

Good evening! Work did get a little bumpy today, but I knew that it would, right? And it did, of course! There are a lot of changes going to be happening in the next few months, but that is alright. I know that everything is 

Aunt Bee’s House Part II!

Aunt Bee’s House Part II!

Good evening! As promised, I am going to share some more pictures of my super fun outing over at Aunt Bee’s House from Yesterday! But first, I wanted to say that Jason and my Easter supper went VERY well this afternoon, and although I was 

A Day At Aunt Bee’s!

A Day At Aunt Bee’s!

Good evening! I had a change of plans this morning, and decided that I was going to practice my photography, as a continuation of this weeks’ The Artist’s Way program assignment. I had originally planned to go out and take pictures of all of the