Outfit of the Day!

Outfit of the Day!

Good morning!!! Ok, I woke up this morning TOTALLY believing it was Friday!! So I started be-bopping through my morning routine, getting ready for work, when all of the sudden it dawns on me – IT IS THURSDAY!!! BOOO! HISSSSS! HAHAHA! 😉 Oh, well! I 

A New Wineskin!

A New Wineskin!

Ok, so as all of you may have caught on by now is that my work life is SUPER stressful at the moment! I have taken on a bunch of new job duties that are soooo far out of my comfort zone that it is 

I’m Here, I’m Here!

I’m Here, I’m Here!

Today has been a pretty good day! Work was long, and hard, and stressful, but I always love a challenge!!! I did make a pit stop at Goodwill! I have decided that if I MUST buy books, then I might as well buy them super 

Treasure Hunting!!!

Treasure Hunting!!!

Treasure hunting this past weekend in Lincoln City (aka ANTIQUING) was sooo much fun!! Now antiquing really has become THE THING TO DO, so my goal for any treasure hunting outing is to find something that speaks to my soul while still being extremely kind 

Where has the Time Gone?

Where has the Time Gone?

Good morning all you hep cats and kitties!!! It has been quite a while since I posted anything last and MAN HAVE I BEEN BUSY!!! I have started a jewelry business back in January of this year!!! I have a website where you can check