Category Archives: Friends

A Quick Post Before Bed!

Good evening!
Actually, it has been a GREAT evening!!

My sweetie and I got the privilege of dressing up with some of our very best friends, and went down to the Salem Carousel and participated in a VERY SPECIAL wedding!! I only have one pic to share this evening, and it is of myself and my bestie, Dawn!! We really did have the best time this evening, andΒ  I am hoping to have some more pics to share with you tomorrow!!

I know that this is an insanely short post, but I am so exhausted that I am practically sleeping while still on my feet, and I have a bunch of makeup to still get off this evening, so it is off to get ready for bed for me!! I promise, I will share a lot more tomorrow!!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening! ;-)

Finally Home!

Good evening!

I am so happy to report that I am finally home!! WHOO! HOO!!

Yesterday was the last day of my computer training in Wisconsin, so naturally I started the journey home yesterday afternoon. Who knew it would be such a LOOOOONG journey!! πŸ˜‰

The original plan was that I would leave my class at four to catch the shuttle to the airport in Madison, which would take about an hour to get there. Then I would have about a 2 and a half hour wait before my flight to Chicago. Once to Chicago, I would have one hour to catch that plane, and then my plane to Portland, Oregon would get in at about midnight, and my sweetie would pick me up and drive us home, which would get us home about 1 am. I would get some much needed sleep and then go to work from noon to 5, and life would officially be back to “normal”.

What really happened though, was this:

I left my class at 4 to take the hour long drive to the airport on the shuttle. Got to the airport, as expected, and when I got there found out my flight to Chicago had been delayed by an extra hour, because there was a really bad wind storm in Chicago. This would also mean that if I was going to make my connecting flight, I was going to have to SERIOUSLY run, which, at that point, I was sooooo tired, and sooooo ready to be home, I was more than willing to do.

At a little after 8 pm, they finally gave the a-ok to board our plane, but when we taxi’d out, we found out we had that we were grounded and had to wait on the Tarmac until air traffic control gave us the green light to go. It was quite a wait, but at this point, in my mind, it was still all good because it was a small plane, with even less passengers, so they let us sit wherever we wanted, and by that time there were about 4 of us who were really getting to know each other,nervouslyΒ  laughing and joking, and three of us four, were all heading to Portland on the same flights. Come rain or come shine, I knew I wasn’t going to be alone!! What a blessing!! πŸ˜‰

Well, I am not sure what time we actually got to take off, but we all knew we were going to miss our connecting flights! and boy, did we ever!

Before I tell you what happened next, I think I had better tell you about our AMAZING flight crew from Madison to Chicago! We flew United, and I have never really had any problems with them, so I knew we were going to be in good hands! That might have been the UNDERSTATEMENT of the whole trip!!! Seeing that they were forecasting cross winds of up to 50 miles an hour, we had a relatively smooth, and comfortable ride – considering the weather. There were times that I was sure we would NEVER get off of that Tarmac, but once we did the professionalism and skill of our crew was extremely self-evident! YouΒ  could tell that the plane was trying hard to roll, and the pilots did a lot of compensating to make sure we made it to Chicago safely! I am not saying that I was completely worry free during our flight. It was a lot bumpier than normal after all, but I had decided to just pray about it, and let God take care of getting us there. one way or the other, I knew I would be in His hands.

We did finally get there safely, and we had an AMAZINGLY smooth landing, which was a feat unto itself because it was SO RAINY and SO WINDY!! WHEW!!! but, I knew God was helping fly that little plane. When we finally got off the plane, I headed right to the gate to ask the person at the counter if our connecting flight had taken off, well, let’s just say he practically laughed his confirmation at me, as if I were some silly dreamer, which I guess I am, but a girl could hope that it had been delayed too can’t she?

So, the three of us Portland bound ladies, myself, Eartha, and KJ (short for Kathy Jo)Β  had decided that we were all in this together, and made the trek to find out how to go about getting ourselves set up with new flights so we could FINALLY get to Portland. After finding where we were supposed to go to get help, we found ourselves in the LOOOOOONGEST line and if we had any doubts before that this was going to be a long night, we knew for SURE now!! πŸ˜‰ Thankfully, by the time I finally made it to the associate, she was still smiling – bless her heart!!Β  I had been watching and she had people yelling at her, and being downright rude, and I was just soooo impressed that she had kept her cool, and not only that, but to do it all with a SMILE?? She was VERY IMPRESSIVE!! So, when I go to her window, I had decided to tell her so, and thank her for what a GREAT job she was doing!!Β  She reserved me a seat on the next flight back to the Pacific Northwest, which was going to be going to Seattle, and we would be on the plane by aboutΒ  8 am the next morning! WHOO! HOO!! as long as we were on our way! (Yes, all three of us girls ended up on the same flights, thankfully!!)

By this time it was a little past 11 at night, the airport had practically closed down for the evening and I was hungry because I had missed dinner that evening, and the young lady who had helped us reschedule our flights, I believe her name was Mary Jane, was just getting off of her shift, and had by then, made it her mission to make sure that the three of us had ANYTHING that we needed, food, drinks, etc!!! She kept offering to drive and get us some food, and bring it back. πŸ™‚ We kept thanking her and telling her that wasn’t going to be necessary! She then said she was willing to go home, and bring us back some apples from an orchard that she had just picked these fresh apples from, she was VERY SWEET, but we assured her that we would be fine, and she headed home for the evening! Well, Eartha, KJ and myself had found our hunkering down spots in the airport and were busy chatting and getting to know each other a little better, when lo and behold, Mary Jane came back!!! She said that she had searched all over the airport and found that there was a Starbuck’s not to far away that would be open all night! She let us know that they had fruit, veggies, sandwiches, etc, on top of there coffee selections!!Β  We were soooo very appreciative!! I know that she was a walking angel, and that when I had prayed for God to take care of us getting us home, he had gone above and beyond, by sending us this AMAZING lady to help make us comfortable!!!

Well, it was waaay past midnight by now, someone from the airport had come around and given all of us stranded travelers fleece blankets to help keep us warm. I was convinced that God had placed people as angels all around us!! πŸ˜‰ We knew it was going to be a long night trying to get any kind of sleep in those hard chairs, but we all took turns trying to catch some shut eye, while one of the other of us watched all of our bags, and belongings. I really couldn’t have asked for better company!!

So long story short, none of us really got much in the way of sleep, but we weren’t alone and by about 2-ish I was finally, and GRATEFULLY home!! When my sweetie got to the airport to pick me up, I almost cried with joy to see him!!! His twinkling blue eyes, smiling at me, was just almost more than my happy to be home self could bear!!

Looking back on this trip, I am sure that this will be one I will NEVER forget!! and KJ and Eartha, wherever you are – I do have your contact information, I want to say thank you to you both, you made a very scary situation, a fun, and memorable adventure, and I will forever be grateful to you both!!!

With my story told, it is time for me to go back to bed (I literally climbed in as soon as we got home, and I only got up because I ALMOST forgot to blog today!!)

Have a FABULOUS evening!!

My Weekend!

Good evening!

I thought I would take some time this evening to share some pictures that I was fortunate enough to take from my relaxing/rejuvenating overnighter at the coast!! We got the opportunity to spend the night over in a little tiny town called Neskowin, Oregon.

Here are all of us girls! Jennifer, Ronita, myself, and Lynette! We are standing on the balcony of the beachfront condo!! (Neskowin Shores.)

Check out this SPECTACULAR view!!!

Next up wereΒ  manis and pedis!!! These are mine fingers! πŸ˜‰

These are Lauren’s!

This is Megan waiting for her finger and toenails to dry!! This is the pose of the PERFECT LAZY DAY!! πŸ˜‰

Here is Lauren waiting for her digits to try too! She is just getting so big! πŸ˜‰

After sufficiently drying, it was time to go down to the beach and get some playing done!!! πŸ˜‰

The KIDDOS!! Morgan, Jason, and Megan! We were all so wet and sandy when we got back to our apartment, but we really had such a FUN TIME! πŸ˜‰

Morgan investigating the barnacles!! Heaven forbid if he actually touched one though!!! HE SCREAMED LIKE A GIRL!!!! EEEK!! πŸ˜‰

This environment was so beautiful, it put me in such a zen place.


I can NOT wait to get the opportunity to visit this mini coastal town again! It really was such an invigorating overnighter, and it came at the MOST PERFECT TIME!! Jason and I have decided that this is our new coastal vacation spot!!

Tomorrow, when I will be blogging again, it will be from Madison, Wisconsin – yep, more computer training!!! WHEW!!! I will be heavily medicated, because I still HATE flying, but I am going to pretend that I am on an adventure!!

So, until then…

Have a FABULOUS evening! ;-)

Chunky Dunkers!

Good evening!

I know I am running behind this evening! I had an appointment at with Lauren, my lovely hairdresser this evening! So, yes, I have gotten a haircut! I am not sure if I like it yet or not – I will know after I wash it and let it go curly!! However, I am REALLY LOVING my bangs!! I am a girl that REALLY NEEDS HER BANGS!!! πŸ™‚

Anyway, tonight is Chunky Dunker night, an online fitness/weight loss support group. We are always happy to have visitors so please feel free to stop by the comments section and let us know how you are doing with you weight loss/fitness goals, and please feel free to share any hints/tips/ideas that you have found helpful in getting closer to your goals!! The more the merrier!!

After a few weeks of not doing so hot on my own personal fitness goals, this week I have done much better. I have been eating more fruits, veggies, and whole grained foods – a special thank you to my sweetie who has been doing a TERRIFIC job packing my food for work every day again!! THANK YOU!!Β  πŸ˜‰

Also, now that I am not having any more foot pain, I have even started walking again, and as winded as I am now getting when I start to walk, I REALLY NEED IT!! I am starting to dream of the day that I can ride my bike through the street, while all of the Fall leaves are starting to change their colors!! MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR! πŸ˜‰

Since I am so late this evening, I usually post at 7pm-ish, so without further ado! I will see you in the comments section! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening! ;-)

Oh Em Gee!

Good evening!

I have had such a GREAT day!!! My time is so short this evening to get my blog posted before midnight tonight!! So, here is the VERY abbreviated version of my day with my dad and Trudi!!!

  • Got up early!
  • Rallied the troops late!
  • Went to The Original Pancake House for a yummy lunch!
  • Then back to JoAnn fabrics – just to return something from last night!
  • Made a stop over at Pier One Imports for a new scented candle – had so much fun there, even my sweetie picked out a scent for himself called Spiced Cake, which he said made him want Christmas early this year! I am ALWAYS game for that!! πŸ˜‰
  • Went over to Catherine’s to see if I could find something I have been looking for – no luck
  • Went to sports store to find a pair of tennies for my dad – luck! πŸ˜‰
  • Next off to downtown Salem to go antiquing, and had a BLAST searching for treasures!! DO YOU KNOW THAT PLACE IS HAUNTED??? I have it on good authority that any old building is haunted, and if there is any place in Salem that qualified as old, was the place we ended up at!! πŸ˜‰
  • We headed back to our place for the world’s shortest mini/nap/break/pause before we headed out again to go to a brass band concert – SO MUCH FUN!!! (Made me want to start playing again!!!!)
  • Then Jason and I stopped – super late – to pick up dinner and then off to meet Dad and Trudi over at Cold Stone Creamery by our place.
  • At Cold Stone Creamery the owner came in, who Jason happens to know, and I ended up having the BEST chat with their 6-year old daughter, who is just as cute as a bug in a rug!!! SERIOUSLY!!! πŸ˜‰
  • Then maybe the MOST AWESOME part of our day, we stood outside of the Cold Stone for over an hour just talking, and getting to know the Cold Stone owner and her husband!! I just LOVE her and her family!! I know that I have just met her for the first time this evening, but I feel we have known each other FOR EVER!!! I will most definitely be getting in touch with her again soon!!! OOH!! Maybe she would like to join me and my girlfriends for our next Girls’ Night In!!! That would be FANTASTIC!!!

Anyway, I have a whole BUNCH of pics to share with you but since my time is sooooo short this evening, I am going to make sure to take some serious time to get them posted tomorrow!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰

Dreaming of Fall!

Good evening!

I am dreaming of Fall! Scrumptious grey rainy days, sloshing around in puddles with the kiddies, hot cocoa and mini-marshmallows with friends, thick feather comforters and a lovely good book, fuzzy-warm slippers on a crisp and cold morning, snuggling with the ones you love on the sofa after a long brisk walk in the chilly afternoon.

Sounds absolutely fabulous!!

While I continue my evening of dreaming about Fall, I would LOVE to hear your favorite thoughts about Fall.

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰


Good evening!

AAACK!! Only 15 minute until I have to get this post posted!!! EEK!! Remember, I am trying to post at least once EVERY day for at least one year, and I am almost just 3 months away from making that goal!! I DO NOT WANT TO START OVER AGAIN!!! πŸ˜‰

Oh my gosh!!! Talk about cutting it close!! I have just gotten home from a GREAT day hanging out with friends!!

First thing this morning we headed over to my girlfriend Fahlene’s place, in Independence, and Jason helped her dad assemble some captains beds for Fahlene’s nephews! I helped Fahlene and her mom sort and fold a bunch of clothes for the boys too!

After leaving Fahlene’s place, and making arrangements for Fahlene to meet me tonight for Girl’s Night, Jason and I then went to Annette’s in West Salem to have lunch. We had never been there before and thought it might be fun to try something new, and MAN we were NOT disappointed!! The place reminded me of the diner in Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe! They had great old time jazz playing, beautiful decor, delicious food, HUGE portions, and the people were SUPER friendly, and the prices were very reasonable!!! We will be back!!! We even bought our lunch for tomorrow from there, on the way out the door!! I can’t wait!!

Anyway, Jason and I then headed over to my girlfriend, Dawn’s place to help move a washer, dryer, and refrigerator because they were selling them to another friend. I caught Jason bringing the dryer up a flight of stairs by himself – no dolly!!! I worry about that man! He isn’t 21 anymore!!

After we were done there, Jason headed out with Errin to have some guy fun, playing video games, and Dawn, Sammy, and I headed out to go to my girlfriend, Rachel’s place, where we met up with Fahlene to have dinner and fun for our Girls’ Night! After dinner we had so much fun playing cards, laughing, and getting to know each other – SO MUCH FUN!!! πŸ˜‰

What a great day!! I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings!!! WHEW JUST MADE IT!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening!! πŸ˜‰

Dinner with Family!

Good evening!

I am having such a WONDERFUL time hanging out with my family down here in Roseburg, so much so that it makes long to have us all living in the same city!!!

As soon as Jason and I got into town we went and picked up my second to youngest sister, Jennifer, from work, and next our youngest sister, Trina. As soon as we had all gotten together and said our hellos, we met up with our dad, and his wife Trudi for dinner over at Red Robin! πŸ˜‰

I have FINALLY gotten pictures of all of us, and I am very happy to be able to share these with you! πŸ™‚

Here is myself and my dad! Do you know how hard it is to get a normal picture of my dad. He is ever the big kid who automatically plays whenever a camera is pointed at him – it really is just too funny!! πŸ˜‰

Here are my troublemakers!! Trina, my youngest sister, Jennifer, my second youngest sister, and Jason my love and sweetie! πŸ˜‰

See what I mean about my dad and a normal picture – I took 5 pictures of my dad, and his wife, Trudi, and this was the best one of them all!! I am glad that these two make each other so happy – that makes me really happy too! πŸ˜‰

Ok, so back to my girls!! You see our mom died when I (being the oldest of 5 girls) was 24, and my youngest sister was only 8. Even before our mother passed away, I really did my best at mothering these two since we were 10 and 15 years apart. So, I have really grown to call these two “My Girls”! and since Jason and I do not have kids of our, it has kind of become true!!

I have always referred to Trina and Jennifer to my friends who do not know them by two labels. Trina is lovingly known as the “Know it all” – because she has always seemed to know weird facts about all sorts of EVERYTHING! πŸ˜‰ and Jennifer has always been the “Comedian” because ever since I can remember she always has a quick retort to anything that is going on, and you are GUARANTEED to end your conversation with her in tears from laughing sooooo much!! πŸ˜‰

I am just so glad that I was able to get these candid and very real pictures of how it is to be around these two! When these two were younger, they really NEVER got along!! Matter of fact they always claimed that they would NEVER love each other, NO MATTER WHAT!! I knew that would change as soon as the older of the two moved out of the house; and sure enough it did!Matter of fact, now, as adults, they live together now, with Jennifer’s husband, Austin, and they are closer than ever. Their joy with each other is infectious, and I just LOVE the energy that all of us have when we are together!!!

What a GREAT evening we had together!! I will make sure to share more pictures of some of our adventures tomorrow!

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰

The First Night of Our Vacation!

Good evening,

I would LOVE to tell you that I have all sorts of plans for the first couple days of my vacation, but if I was being honest – I got NOTHIN’!! I have a really hard time with vacations because I have a really difficult relaxing.

Ok, am I the only one?

I am so used to being a go-go-go kind of girl, so when I FINALLY give myself permission to take some time to rest, I have A REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hard time actually doing it!! So, it always takes me a few days before I realize, OMG I am on VACATION!! So, I am not there ye,t, but I will be!!

Tomorrow, after having the alarm turned off, and hence giving myself the chance to sleep in,Β  I think I will take myself to a couple of the thrift stores around and see what treasures I can find for collaging; or maybe I will just stay home and spend some serious time arting – that would be SO FUN!!! πŸ˜‰ Tomorrow evening, after my sweetie finally gets off work and he is able to join me on our vacation, and then we are going to go over to my bestie’s place and we are going to haveΒ  BBQ put on by the boys!! I hear we are having kabobs, which should be yummy!! GO BOYS!!

Then on Saturday, Jason and I are cleaning like fiends so that when we come back next week we come home to a clean house! Our friend, Don will be over one Sunday to house sit for us – thank you very much, Don! and then my sweetie and I are TOTALLY headed for the beach!! WHOO! HOO!!

On the artist front, I wanted to tell you that I have found the BEST collage book, and I really wanted to share it with you!! This book is called, Collage Discovery Workshop and is written by Claudine Hellmuth. This book has a bunch of great collage ideas, especially in techniques to not be paralyzed with fear at the prospect of staring at blank canvas, which can be daunting to any artist, especially a newbie like me!! I will have some pics of some of the new techniques that I have been trying tomorrow!!

So, on that note…

Have a FABULOUS evening!! πŸ˜‰

An Evening of Games with Friends!

Good evening!

This evening, my sweetie and I got the opportunity to go over to our friends’ place, Rachel and Kevin! We were also joined by my sister, Lynette! We were there to have dinner, catch up, and to play a fun game of Apples to Apples.

After some much needed kiddo-time, playing with Rachel and Kevin’s BEAUTIFUL baby girl, Alyson, we got down to the business of having dinner, which was pizza, grilled salmon, yams, corn on the cob, and salsa – did I mention that we did this dinner potluck style??!! LOL! πŸ˜‰

Anyway, after dinner (and a yummy dessert of some strawberry shortcake and whipped cream) we played a rousing, and fun competitive game of Apples to Apples where Rachel happily kicked all of our booties, and took home the prize of Queen of the Evening!!! πŸ˜‰ I think my mojo was a little off this evening, otherwise I probably wouldn’t have come in dead last!! LOL!! πŸ˜‰ Oh well! What’s a girl to do!?? πŸ˜‰

We had so much fun that we have decided to make this a monthly date, and have already put our next get together on our calendars!! I can’t wait, we will have soooo much fun!! πŸ˜‰

Thank you, Rachel for hosting our get together tonight! I just LOVE your place and you are such a fun and gracious hostess!!! I thank God for your friendship! You mean A LOT to us!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening!!

PS. I will make sure to post more pictures from our get together tomorrow!! πŸ˜‰