My Kindle Touch Review!

My Kindle Touch Review!

Good evening! I am soooo excited to be on the eve of a FOUR-DAY WEEKEND!!! Seriously, I really am needing a break! 😉 Jason and I just got back from a big grocery shopping trip, and as fun as it is to shop together – 

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Good evening! Merry Christmas!! After being on sabbatical from being on the internet for the past few days,I am happy to be back, and wanted to with all of you VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! 😉 I have been spending quality time with my family. We have 

Last Minute Prep!

Last Minute Prep!

Good evening! Whew! I am taking a break from listening to Christmas cartoons while wrapping about 1,000 little stocking stuffers for my family. Ok, maybe 1,000 might be a SLIGHT exaggeration, but I am sure that it is only by an exaggeration by a tiny 

All Done!

All Done!

Good evening! I am very happy to report that we are all done with the Douglas County Christmas Craft Fair! We ended up doing much better than we did last year, but it was still a really hard weekend, with a lot of work, and 

End of Day 2 Christmas Fair!

End of Day 2 Christmas Fair!

Good evening! Well, it has been another exciting day at this year’s Douglas County Christmas Fair! We have seen all sorts of sights today, a little girl passing by in the sweetest baby pink cowboy boots, a little spider-man asleep on his daddy’s shoulder, alittle 

Our First Day at the Market!

Our First Day at the Market!

Good evening! We just got home from the Douglas County Christmas Craft Fair, and we are all exhausted!! Matter of fact, I may have just dozed off twice in the past 1/2 an hour. Anyway, we had a pretty good day! Our sales are doing 

Setting Up Shop!

Setting Up Shop!

Good evening! So, my sweetie and I made it to Roseburg! WHEW!!! We headed straight to my sister’s house, picked her up, and long story short, Jennifer, Trina, Sweetie, and myself all ended up at the Douglas County fairgrounds so we could set up our 

A Flurry of Activity!

A Flurry of Activity!

Good evening! This evening has been a FLURRY of activity!! My sweetie and I are frantically getting everything ready to go down to Roseburg for the weekend. My sisters and I have rented two booths down at the Douglas County Christmas Fair, and we are 

Shopping! Shopping!

Shopping! Shopping!

Good evening! This is going to be a short post, I am tired, and wanting to call it a night!! My sweetie and I got up this morning, had a lovely breakfast together, and headed out for a day of shopping. and I don’t mean 

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Good evening! I am posting much later than I usually do, but that is because I have just finished having a lovely Thanksgiving day with our friends Dawn and Errin! We had a large Thanksgiving dinner, played a few rounds of Taboo, fun game, hadn’t