Happy New Year!

Good evening, and a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!

Jason and I rung in the new year by spending it with our good friends, Dawn and Errin! We had dinner, chatted, giggled, crocheted, played a few serious rounds of Wii sports, watched a movie, and really just had a fun time. Jason and I didn’t even get home until almost 3 in the morning!!  We played Wii so hard last evening, that when Jay and I woke up this morning, we realized that we were REALLY sore!! It motivated us to play again today!! 😉

Jason and I were able to get our place almost completely cleaned like we were hoping to do, which is really help make this weekend feel extra special!! We have so much hope for this new year. Out with the old and in with the new! I feel a lot of changes coming on this year. Things that Jason and I have been talking about for a long time, but have never felt it was time to make said changes. I think this year will be the year to take the leap of faith and create the life that we have always dreamed of making. I can’t wait to see how it all falls in place!

I am so thankful for all that God has blessed Jason and I with, and am certain that he will be with us throughout this new year as well!!

How have you rung in the New Year? Do you have any plans or resolutions for 2012? I would love to hear from you in the comments section!

I wish you all a VERY HAPPY and a VERY BLESSED  2012!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! :-)