Oh Hugo, I Think I’m In Love!

Good evening!

My sweetie and I just got home after watching the movie Hugo, with our friend Errin! Let me just start out by saying what a FABULOUS movie!!!!

This movie is adapted from the children’s book The Invention of Hugo Cabret, by Brian Selznick, which I can honestly say is one of my all-time favorite books. When I first discovered it, I couldn’t afford a copy, so I literally stayed in the bookstore all day so that I could read this enchanting story. It is filled with half words, and half pictures that are done so beautifully you almost feel as if you are already watching a movie. So, needless to say, I had high hopes for this movie going into this evening.

So, for my thoughts on this movie…

This movie, Hugo, although marketed towards children, in my opinion is a movie for grown ups! I can see children getting bored with it because the story is rather complex, which as an adult just adds to the mystery of this magical story. With that said, let me also tell you that the movie is also inspiring, hopeful, visually rich, and is very true to the book, which I JUST LOVE!!!

Hugo is set in Paris, in the 30’s, so the scenery, the hair, makeup, and fashions are a feast for the eyes! And the 3-D, which is oftentimes seemingly an afterthought in most 3-D movies only enhanced the story as it was artfully done and helped whisk you right into the story alongside Hugo!  It also has a very strong positive message about family, not running away from your past even if you have had difficulties in life, and a reminder to us all the we all have a purpose here on earth, and that it is up to each one of us to discover what that is, and to decide whether or not we will strive to live up to that purpose.

So, I said it when I started tonight’s post, and I will say it again, what a FABULOUS movie!! This will be one that I will be adding to our collection, and already look forward to seeing it again! If any of you have already, or are planning on seeing this film, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening!! 😉