Sick but Still Kickin’!

Good evening!

I made it through most of my day at work today, and ended up going home at 1, came home and collapsing on the couch in a sleeping stupor!! Was that TMI? Anyway, as you may have gathered, I am still sick, I have a headache that just really won’t go away!  My sweetie is in full nurse-mode, and he is doing a phenomenal job – thank you, Love!!

I am not sure what to write this evening, as I am still heavily medicated and I am a little bit foggy!! It is at this point that my “nurse” should probably be taking my laptop away from me. Who knows what secrets I may let slip out in my current state!!

With, what appears to be another novel of a posting, I am going to go enjoy my jell-o, curl up on the couch with my sweetie, and get some more sleep!! That sounds super-sweet, until I realize the drooling and snoring that I am sure must accompany that seeming;u sweet scene!! God bless my hubby and all that he puts up with me!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening!! ;-)