The Life of My Dreams?

Good morning!

“Who you’re meant to be evolves from where you are right now.” ~Oprah Winfrey

Since I have have to get going to class today, and am not sure how mentally exhausted I am going to be when I get back, I thought I would take some time to blog this morning!

After breakfast, this morning, I have spent some quiet time reading the latest issue of Oprah’s magazine. I picked it up in the airport yesterday because the headlines plastering the cover were exactly the same things that I have been questioning a lot lately.

“Find Your True Calling! A Guide to Discovering Who You’re Meant to Be”

“O’s Self-Awareness Workbook”

“Tired of Being Tired? 5 Ways to Bring Yourself Back from Burnout”

These are all things that I have been seriously searching for answers to!!

I have just finished one article where the woman, Today Show anchor, Ann Curry. I won’t tell you her whole story, you will have to pick up O to read that yourself, but something in her story has really struck a chord with me:

Ann had found a lump in her breast, and after going to her doctor and finding out that she did not have cancer, that was not the end of her physician’s news. He said, “Every day I have to tell a women she’s got a disease that might kill her. Each one of them says, ‘I didn’t get a chance to do this,’ or ‘I should have done that.’ I don’t want you to be one of those women.”

He then proceeds to tell her that no matter what is going on in her life, she needs to start by taking one full day to take care of herself, to make sure she was taking that time to do whatever fulfilled her.

At the very end of her story, Ann says, ‘I’ve learned to be deliberate about how I spend my time on this Earth. I choose to fill my days with that I’m passionate about, and live with purpose. In the end, I want to be able to say, “My life was what I made it.”

WOW!!! This really resonated with me!! Here I have been complaining about where my life is heading right now, and I realize that I have power to redirect the entire direction of my life, one decision at a time!

So this has now led me to more questions,

If my life is what I make it, what the heck do I want to see in it?

  • A strong spiritual connection to my creator
  • Loving and healthy relationships with family and friends
  • Adventures in traveling and experiencing different cultures firsthand
  • Giving back and making a contribution to the world around me
  • Helping others see and realize the potential in their own lives

The question is, how the heck do I go about making all of that happen? Ok, I guess I have already answered this question – by being mindful in every decision I make! That is going to be easier said than done, I am sure! šŸ˜‰

Anyway, I am g0ing to go enjoy some more quiet time before my class gets underway, oh that, and checking in with the office to make sure that I am not missing anything urgent!!

Have a FABULOUS day!! šŸ˜‰