A Different Saturday!

Good evening!

I have had a different kind of Saturday, a day focused mainly on art, and creativity. I am watching a documentary on, artist, Alice Neel. She was a very intriguing woman. It sounds like she led a life that was surrounded in a kind of sadness. Her paintings are quite amazing, however. She was a portrait artist, painting portraits of people. Her pictures seem almost alive, with breathing, moving subjects. There is something very energetic about them. What an amazing talent Alice had. I am shocked that she never sold many of her paintings, if she sold any. Amazing woman.

I finished reading The Artist’s Way today. I am pretty proud of myself that stuck that out! I have also finished filling up my Morning Page’s journal! That, to me, is freakin’ amazing!!! I have learned so much about myself since I started this journey, more than 13 weeks ago. I learned that I am braver than I thought I was capable of being, and that I have given myself permission to step off of the sidelines of life and get into the flow of action! That has been very exciting, and if I were to walk away from this program with only that lesson learned, then that was ABSOLUTELY WORTH IT!! πŸ˜‰

Tomorrow I start the next book, Walking in this World: The Practical Art of Creativity. This book is also by Julia Cameron. I will continue to do my morning pages, and my weekly artist dates, but just from initial glance, this book will also make daily walks part of the creative process. I am excited to see what the next 12 weeks bring.

Anyway, I realize that this is a short post, but it is late, and I am really into this documentary, so I am bidding you adieu until tomorrow!

Have a FABULOUS evening! πŸ˜‰


Walking in this World: The Practical Art of Creativity