My Sistah’s In Town!

Good evening!

My sister, Jennifer, got here early this evening, oh and of course her hubbie Austin too!! 😉 What this means is, there is no way that I am getting to bed on time tonight! I know, she is a GREAT influence on me!! 😉

OH, I know what I wanted to talk about this evening! This morning, I had received a quote of the day on my cell phone and I wanted to share it with you!

“What can you do right now to begin to turn your life around? The very first thing is to start making a list of things to be grateful for.”
~Joe Vitale

So, that is what I wanted to share with you this evening, a list of things that I am grateful for!

  1. God loves me more than I can ever imagine
  2. I have a hubby that absolutely makes me a happy girl
  3. One of my sisters are here for a visit
  4. I have family who love me
  5. I have friends who love me
  6. I have two puppies who make me feel sooooo loved
  7. I am healthy
  8. I am happy
  9. I am free
  10. I have a well paying job
  11. All of my needs are being met
  12. I am creative
  13. I have a lot of books
  14. I have a comfortable roof over my head
  15. I have a reliable car
  16. I love living in the Pacific Northwest
  17. I am loving my walk-in closet
  18. I love my art studio

What this adds up to is one VERY BLESSED girl!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!! 😉