Where Did the Day Go?

Good evening!

My sweetie just came in and asked me if I knew what time it was, and when he told me it was past 10 my bottom jaw almost hit the ground! IT JUST COULDN’T BE!?!?!?

But, apparently it is!!

I got home late this evening because I had to take a huge bag of stuff back to The Craft Warehouse this evening – apparently, I had momentarily lost my mind this weekend, and gave myself a insane crafting supply shopping spree!! 😉

Anyway, that took me almost 2 HOURS, all by itself!! Then I grabbed dinner, got home, watched a quick show with my sickie hubby, and then went straight to the art studio to continue progress on getting the room clean!! It is soooo close!! I think I will have about one more trip to the thrift store, and a couple of more trips out to the recycle bin, and I will be officially DONE!!! I CAN’T WAIT!!! 😉

I know I had told you that I would get a couple of pics posted tonight, but I let time get away from me, and pics of any kind are just not going to get done this evening!! I am sorry!!

I will have them posted tomorrow evening!! FOR SURE! HANDS DOWN! I will make sure to post them AS SOON AS I GET HOME FROM WORK!!!

Anyway, I am soooo excited about the next chapter of my life – WHATEVER THAT IS GOING TO LOOK LIKE!!! I am going to take my tired self to bed so that I can dream about the rest of my week!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!! 😉