Happy Friday!!

Good morning!!

I wanted to make sure that I get a post in this morning, because I am not sure if I am going to be able to get one this evening, since I won’t be getting home until late!! and for those of you who know, I am NOT a late night kind of girl, so I am thinking that when I get home I may just crash in bed!!! 😉

Tonight I have a date night with my sweetie, and he surprised me by getting tickets to a local play here in town, ‘Educating Rita’! I am excited, and I know we are going to have a bast!!! 😉 I will tell you all about it tomorrow, however I doubt they will let me take many, if any pics but I am sure going to try!! You know me!! 😉

I am still living on the high of last night’s belly dancing class, but I am excited about this evening, and tomorrow I have a collage class, that I may or may not go to yet! I still haven’t decided, but I am leaning towards going! I think just for the sake of hanging out with creative people for the day!!! I also need to get the cojones to start telling people I just meet about my blog! I find that most people I meet don’t even know what blogs or blogging is! It makes it difficult to bring new traffic to my site!!! 🙂

Anyway, I am heading off to the office! I have a day chocked full of meetings, and I am just praying that they don’t get too politically heated!! I am raring to have a GREAT day today!!! and to get out of the office without having gotten slammed to hard is the goal – isn’t that a sad goal??? New goal: to get out of the office having completed some work, learned something, and made someone happy is the goal!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS day!!! 😉