A Night of Shimmying!!

Good morning!

Well, I did it!!! I can’t believe it, but I did!!! My belly dancing class last night was sooooo much fun!!! What an EMPOWERING class!!! I had always thought that belly dancing was for the benefit of men, after last night I realize that the power in belly dancing belongs entirely to women!! Taking charge of your body, undulating, swaying, and shimmying. When combined with the music, there is almost something magical that happens that just pulls the moves out of you – I can’t think of how else to describe it!!

I also love that belly dancing is so accepting of all ages, body types, and conditions!! And last night all categories were represented, so I fit right in!!! I really had nothing to be afraid of!!!! 😉 I have muscles I never knew that I had that are hurting right now (but in a satisfying way)!!! What an AWESOME way to trick yourself into exercising!!! 😉 I can not WAIT until next week’s class!!

Well, I have got to zip off to work!!!

Have a FABULOUS day!!! 😉