An Audrey Hepburn Sunday!

Good afternoon!

I am back up and running!! I have a lot to do today, seeing that I have been down for about the past three days! WHEW!!! I have chores out the wazzoo, it almost appears as if a tornado was torn through my house!!! Random blankets strewn here and there, magazines all over the place, pillows all eskew – ok, so maybe that doesn’t sound like a really big mess, but it does make a girl a little wary to see it all the same!!

Did I happen to mention that someone has jury duty tomorrow?? Yeah, well, that someone is me! I have never had jury duty before, so I am not exactly sure what to expect, but what I do know, is that if I have to go in tomorrow, I had better make sure to bring a book, just in case I have some sittin’ around time to tend to!!

Talking about books, I am currently reading this book called, What the Deaf-Mute Heard by G. D. Gearino. It is a short book, but so far it has been very funny!! but, now am in serious need of a break! So, at the moment, I am writing this posting today in short burst because there is so much going on right now, I can’t seem to concentrate – not the best way to concentrate!! Oh, well, what’s a girl to do??

OK, so let me tell you the truth, I am trying to watch Audrey Hepburn’s  movie, Love in the Afternoon. I have ALWAYS loved this movie, but today, for some reason the relationship between Gary Cooper’s character and Audrey Hepburn’s character is kinda creepin’ me out!! He is old enough to be her grandfather!!

It is raining so hard! I am going to go outside for a little while and walk in the rain under my umbrella!! I LOVE THAT!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening!! 😉
