A Saturday Evening Update!

Good evening!

Well, sort of!

I really have had a GREAT day, but the same can not be said for my sweetie – he is sick with, what I think could be the flu!! I never do very well when he is sick. You see, he is the person who makes this house fun! He sees humor in almost everything and his joy is contagious!! When he is sick, I almost don’t know what to do with myself. There is this sense, that I put upon myself, to walk around on egg shells and be extremely quiet, and try to make him as comfortable as possible!!! Just so he can get better and bring the joy back into our home!!! LOL!! NO PRESSURE, HONEY!!! LOL!! πŸ˜‰

So, he is sick! I have picked up some medication, and root beer popsicles for him; his only two requests, and he quickly drifted back off to sleep! I have been quietly sitting next to him, watching a movie on my mini laptop, with headphones on – The Stone of Destiny. VERY GREAT movie by the way!!!Β  and now that the movie is over, I am at a loss as to what to do next. How sad is that? I have a few magazines I can read, ok, really a lot more than a few, but it is just too quiet in the house for 8 o’clock on a Saturday night!!! Even the dogs know that “daddy” is sick, so they won’t leave his side for anything – not even when I went downstairs to EAT MY DINNER!!! I know, hard to believe, isn’t it??? πŸ˜‰

Anyway, as sad and pathetic I sound, even to myself, I realize I am just going to have to hunker down and keep myself busy. He can only get better so quickly you know? But REALLY, if he COULD JUST HURRY!?!?!?! I would really appreciate that!! πŸ˜‰

Maybe he is right, I may have no patience…but that will have to wait for another blog posting!!! LOL!!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS evening!!!