A Dapper Evening!!

Good evening!!

My sister, Alex and her kiddos just left for the evening!! Since Christopher just turned 13 on Tuesday, we decided to let him choose dinner – pizza, of course!!! We played a fun game of Clue, which I haven’t done in quite a few years, and I WON!!! WHOO-HOO!! Then we went swimming, and we swam around like crazy people!!! I AM LOVING SWIMMING – it is making me feel so much stronger and more energetic!! Next a relaxing soak in the hot tub, home and a bowl full of cut-up strawberries, and I am a VERY HAPPY girl!!!😉

Well, last evening I spent at least an hour or so perusing the web for some inspirational outfits, to help me think about my wardrobe pieces with fresh eyes! While I was doing that, I ran across quite a few fashionable men too!! I asked my husband what his fashion style was, and his response was “functional”. BUMMER – not exactly what a girl wants to hear, but I really shouldn’t be too surprised! When we first started dating his idea of dressing up, was to wear something with less wholes in it!! 😉 That is ok, I still love his wraggin’ muffin looking self!!!

Here are some of those Hottie-McHottie pics I found last night:

Man!! OH MAN!!! I can’t put my finger on EXACTLY what I like in men’s fashion, but I think it is the juxtaposition between rugged tough man, and old-world gentleman!! Maybe you can see that in those pictures!! If only I could find a way to somehow rub just a smidgen of these dapper men’s fashion sense onto my husband, OH WHAT A MIRACLE DAY THAT WOULD BE!!! You know, like a retro-sexual pill!! 😉 and I am sure I am not the only woman out there thinking it!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS evening! 🙂