A Snuggly Morning!!

Good morning!!!

I realize that it is only 7:20 in the morning, so it might seem early to be saying  this, but I must confess that I have already had  good day so far!!! I woke up with my alarm at 6, and decided that I wasn’t going to be in a rush today! I rolled over and asked my sweetie if he would be willing to wake up early too so that we could snuggle!! With me working so much right now, there hasn’t been too much quality time going on right now – just me coming home, crashing and burning!!! God bless him for being so patient and supportive right now!! 😉 Anyway, after talking, giggling, and playing with our puppies in bed, it was mutually decided that we had better get a move on if I didn’t want to be late for work!!!

So, here I am dressed and ready to head out for the day! I feel a good day coming for the entire day! Yesterday, I was able to get a REALLY LARGE task completed, which made me feel like I was ALMOST skipping down the 2 flights of stairs to head home last evening!!! WHOO-HOO!!!

Today, my sis, Alex, is going to meet me for lunch today, WHICH I JUST LOVE!!! and then later this evening her and her kiddos will come over again for dinner, and then afterwords we will do some more vision boarding!! As promised, I will then take pics of my vision board and post them here so you can see them! If she is cool with it, I will post her vision board too!!

SIDE NOTE: I don’t know if any of you know this, but my sweetie always makes me breakfast in the morning and brings it up to me while I am blogging in the morning, so I can get breakfast and my blogging done – DOES THAT MAKE ME SPOILED????? Ok, yeah – it does!! Anyway, this morning he brought up THE MOST delectable of breakfasts – scrambled egg whites, and a small le tartain!!! a le tartain is a section of fresh baguette sliced down the middle, to make two halves, (Parisian baguette, not American), spread with butter and jelly – it is HEAVENLY!!!!

Anyway, I am going to go and finish getting ready for work – I may actually be early to work today – WHAT A NOVEL CONCEPT!!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS day!! 😉