Tuesday Evening Update!

Well, I am still going through the Crafter’s Devotional, and tonight’s assignment is to color as if you were still a little kid. So here I am trying to think of something to color. The only thing I immediately thought of was houses, trees, suns, and rainbows – all of my favorite standbys just like when I was a little kid! I do however appreciate the exercise because it is helping me loosen up my creativity muscles so to speak!!

My husband and I live in a small condo, and I am actively looking for a little farm/cottage/or plot of land to call our home.  Someplace where we can have a small flower cutting garden, herb garden, and vegetable garden. I would also LOVE to have a space where my husband can do some woodworking, and I have a place to have both an art studio and a place to refinish/reupholster  furniture – HOW DIVINE!!! 😉 Ok, I can already hear some of you saying, “You? Get dirty?? Ain’t gonna happen!”, but, really, I am telling you! I want to get back to a simpler lifestyle, a lifestyle where you don’t watch life go by, you actually spend your life LIVING IT!!! I don’t forsee that we will be moving for at least a year yet, unless the good Lord has other plans for us, but I TRULY CAN’T WAIT!! 😉

I think I am coming down with something! I have been getting more and more congested, my right ear hurts, and now my neck and shoulders are really getting ache-ey!! I don’t have time to get sick right now, my work life is JUST TOO CRAZY BUSY to take ANY time off. At least, for the time being! I can imagine calling in sick in the morning, and my partner-in-crime, driving to my house, and picking my booty up, pj’s & all, and drag my sickie-self off to the office!!! I just love her – she really is a GREAT friend!!! I COULD NOT do what I do WITHOUT HER!!! 😉

Anyway, I am off to color some more…er…I mean, encourage my creativity!! What are some of the ways that you encourage creativity in yourself – I would LOVE to hear form you in the comment section above!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!