Thursday Night Update!

I am enjoying a nice quiet evening with my husband. There is soft music playing in the background. Our sis and niece stopped by and had a healthy dinner with us and we played some rounds of Bananagrams – still one of our FAVORITE games!!! I love you sistah!!! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Jason and I have had a little bit of a health scare here today. I will not go into any details, but I think my husband is finally on board with getting fit and healthy! I have been following the calorie guide from, and have lost almost 9 pounds in a week and a half. I am really thankful that I stumbled upon this site. My husband, sis, and one of girlfriends have all joined up because of my progress so far. I am telling you – try it for one week, and if you don’t lose any weight, then quit – but it is free. So, what do you have to lose??? Except some unwanted lbs that you know have been bothering you!! ๐Ÿ˜‰ Ok, commercial is over! Let me know if you have any success!!

Anyway, tomorrow is Friday – YEAH!!! Jason and I are heading out on a date tomorrow night – we are actually planning on watching the new Harry Potter movie. The 7th of 8. I have high hopes that it will be entertaining, not as good as the books mind you, but good just the same! I think it is going to be odd to watch one of these movies without Dumbledore – he has been so integral to the story. I also think that this movie will be scarier than I am used to. I am a big chicken when it comes to these things – my imagination has a tendency to get too out of control! I know, but now you know why I watch so many light and fluffy romances, and comedies.

Jason is asking that we go for a walk, and I am going to take him up on it!! So until next time!

Have a FABULOUS evening! ๐Ÿ™‚