Mountains of Books!!!

One of me dear friends, my adopted grandmother, passed away a few months ago. Like myself, she was an avid reader! She loved any great mystery, or any good children’s/young adult chapter book, and she had quite the collection.

Well, before she passed away she told me that she wanted me to take her books, take care of them and love them like she did! Well, today was the day that I picked them up. My sweetie and I went over there this morning, and my grandpa basically said that I could have any of her books that I wanted. It took A LOT of restraint!! I wanted to take every single book that she had, but I knew that the leftover books were going to be donated to this non-profit library, and I know Kay would’ve LOVED that!! So, even after restraining myself and leaving a large portion of books there, I ended up bringing home 9 full boxes, and 3 stuffed bags of books. I think I may have literally doubled my existing library, but my sweetie thinks that I may have more than doubled it!! WHEW!!!

I guess I am going to have to go bookshelf shopping this week!!! IKEA here I come!!! MWA-HA-HA-HA-HAAA!!

Anyway, I will be logging books into my library database for at least the coming week!! But I know that I will be making my Kay proud!!! Love you, Kay!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! 😉