30-Day Makeover, Day 3!

Day 3: Go Gather Your Dream Team!

Welcome to Day 3 of our 30-Day Life Makeover!! How is everything going?? Were you able to do your Kaizen activity today?? I would LOVE to hear in the comments section up above, what types of things you were able to write down today!! I had all sorts of things written such as brown bagged both breakfast and lunch today (health & finances), swam for two hours with my family (health), and read an article on the benefits of being self-employed (self-employment). These may not be too impressive on their own, but if you were to gather 30 days of these activities – how far could you go????

Now, you know what you want, you’ve made some big decisions on where your priorities are going to lie for the next 3 months, and you have a new simple way to track your daily progress. Next comes a task that I can honestly say, is probably my FAVORITE!!


To create the life of your dreams, and see your goals come to fruition you are going to need a support group. These are the people that are going to listen to you your dreams and idea, give you honest constructive feedback, pick you up when you fall down, cry with you tears of joy when you have days of success, laugh with you when you are busy laughing at yourself, and these will be the people who will at times believe in you more than you believe in yourself. Everyone knows that two heads are better than one when it comes to solving problems or creating results. So imagine what you could accomplish if you were a part of a small group of five or six people meeting on a regular basis for the purpose of problem solving, brainstorming, networking, encouraging, and motivating each other. Mountains are moved with this kind of effort.

In all of my years of reading self-help books, and listening to all sorts of motivational speakers, this step is the one that I probably hear most being repeated over and over by some of the great minds of our time, and those that have gone on before us.  Jack Canfield, Anthony Robbins, and Napoleon Hill are just a few who all have their own version of how to go about making your dream cheerleading group, although I am pretty sure that is NOT what they call it, but whatever you call it, just make it fun, and a win-win for everyone involved!! 😉

Creating Your Dream Team

Start by enrolling a friendly, on-purpose, like-minded individual, or two to join you, then and start meeting with them on a regular basis. I recommend meeting once a week, or at the least every other week, so that you have something positive and encouraging to look forward to; and knowing that you have a group of people who are going to want to hear about what kind of progress you’ve made will encourage you to keep going so you have something positive to report. After your initial mini-team is all onboard, decide as a group what other like-minded individuals you could add to your small group. You will want to make sure that any additional people get along with everyone on the existing team, because remember this will be a team that you will want to feel comfortable enough to be able to be yourself,  speak freely, and feel comfortable enough to dream out loud. You and everyone on the team should be there for the good of each other and for the good of the group – this is essential!

  1. Your Dream Team should consist of 4-8 people. Most people find that 6 is the ideal number. Once the team gets much larger than 6 people, start thinking about someone in the group becoming a leader and breaking the larger group into two smaller groups, to keep the growth process going, and to share motivation with as many people as possible. Once this happens, make it a point to host some kind of a larger get-together at least once a month, or quarter that involves all of your mini-groups, so everyone has the chance to get to know everyone (not to mention all of the networking, and additional brainstorming, and support that would provide!) Sounds like fun!!!
  2. Meetings should be an hour to an hour and a half. This meeting must be held sacred as a life-enhancing priority. The meetings should be upbeat, enriching, encouraging and beneficial to each individual and the group’s purposes. I always start our meetings with a prayer or an invocation. You could also start with an inspiring story.
  3. Each member must agree to play all out — to openly share ideas, support, contacts, information, feedback, and anything else that will help advance the individual and group goals.
  4. Start by having each member share something positive and good that happened since the last meeting.
  5. Next, have each member share an opportunity or problem they have experienced since the last meeting and ask for whatever support they would like on it. Appoint a time-keeper to make sure that everyone gets the same amount of time. This is important if you want your group to last. Everyone must get value at each meeting.
  6. End by sharing appreciations and acknowledgements.

You’ll find one of the real values of a mastermind group is the accountability factor – other members checking up on you to make sure you meet your stated commitments. It’s one way to ensure you’ll accomplish a lot more!

This is such a FABULOUS idea, that I challenge you to get a hold of at least one person to communicate this idea to, and see if they would be willing to commit to being a part of your Dream Team – you’ll never know unless you ask, and maybe your Dream Team will be EXACTLY what that person was searching for. This if practiced consistently will literally change your life for the better.

I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on this, please feel free to comment up above!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!! 😉