Back Home!

My sweetie and I are back home from a very nice, and very relaxing weekend at the coast. I think I might have come down with a bug, but at this point I am planning on “walking it off” so to speak, because I am just too busy to be down sick right now!!! šŸ™‚

On a positive note, I am so excited about a treasure that I did bring home from the coast. I have been looking for some additional seating for my living room, and I got EXTREMELY LUCKY this past weekend! I found this small, vintage, black leather rocking/swivel chair, which fits perfectly in one corner of my living room!!! Not only that, but I got it for $14.00!!! CAN YOU IMAGINE!?!? It is in near perfect condition, it is just needing a little elbow grease to clean it up! I am sure it was because people don’t usually go to the coast to purchase furniture! People are usually hunting for costume jewelry, books at a great price, and other vintage knick-knacky-type things!! So, I was literally at the right place, at the right time!!! šŸ˜‰

Oh, another note, I was feeling froggy last Thursday morning, and decided it was time to cut myself some bangs!!! I usually have my girlfriend, Dawn come over and do it for me, but I figured it was time to “Queen-Up” and just do it for myself!!!! I am pretty happy with them, I think they make me look younger!!! Here are the results: My bangs were originally reached past my chin!! I would love to hear what you think!!

I am getting ready for my work week by getting my laundry done, and I have a lot of work to do going through my entire book collection! I have to weed out those books that I don’t absolutely LOVE to make way for some new reads! Some day I will have a massive library, but for now, in my little condo, I need to make sure that I use some restraint! and honey, “Restraint” is not a word that used often in my vocabulary!! LOL!! šŸ˜‰ but I am working on prioritizing!!! šŸ˜‰

I am off to do some domestic goddess work – you know it is a tough job, but someone has got to do it!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!