Busy! Busy! Busy!

This weekend started an extremely busy week!!! I am frantically getting ready for a brief visit from my Aunties!!! They will be here on Saturday, and the reality is they will only be at my place for something like an hour, BUT I am just SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!! This is the first time they will have ever been to my condo, and I have lived here for almost 4 years. EEEK!!!

Sooooooo, with the help of my SUPER-AWESOME Sweetie, he is helping me fix all of the little things that have really been bugging me about this place, and I have been cleaning/organizing like a fiend – most especially in my office/craft room!!! That room has been problematic for A LONG TIME!!! and I have always felt that I let the chaos and foolishness of that room suck some of my life out of me – REALLY!!! Although it has taken A LOT of hard work, and pulling a muscle in my back (OUCH!) I can FINALLY see this room being a place that I can just play and create to my heart’s content!! Thank you, Baby – I could NOT have done this without you!!!

I will post some after pictures as soon the room is done!!



Have a great night,

~Christina 😉