Tag: Shopping

The Barn House Show 2013

The Barn House Show 2013

Good evening! This past Saturday, I got to spend the day on my own with no responsibilities. With my camera in hand, and I headed out to Turner, Oregon to spend some time down at The yearly Barn House Show! I like to try and 

Looking for Beauty at Aunt Bee’s House!

Looking for Beauty at Aunt Bee’s House!

Good evening! I am so very excited to share this post with you this evening, but before I get too ahead of myself, I wanted to tell you a little bit of back story on this post! Last week, I went to one of my 

Shopping! Shopping!

Shopping! Shopping!

Good evening!

This is going to be a short post, I am tired, and wanting to call it a night!!

My sweetie and I got up this morning, had a lovely breakfast together, and headed out for a day of shopping. and I don’t mean run to the corner market to pick up a few things, I mean marathon shopping with a HUGE list!! I have to tell you that we really did have such a fun day!! Jason doesn’t usually like shopping, but he was such a trooper today, helping with making choices, and being extremely patient as I worked on trying to figure out who got what! I would love to tell you that I got all of my Christmas shopping done, but no, I still have a couple of people to get for, and THEN I will be done! WHEW!! 😉

OK, that is enough for tonight! I promise I will take more time to write tomorrow!

Have a a FABULOUS evening!!



Good evening! This morning I stumbled across this quote that I haven’t been able to get out of my mind all day. “What you can do or dream you can do, begin it, boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” ~Johann von Goethe There 

Sunday Evening Update!

Sunday Evening Update!

Today has been a pretty good day! Got up, rallied the troops and then went out and did a little shopping – ok a lot of shopping!!! Went over to my sister-in-law’s and helped decorate a Christmas tree for her and the kiddos. The colors