My Weight Watcher Hunger Emergency Life Savers Ideas!!!

My Weight Watcher Hunger Emergency Life Savers Ideas!!!

This is a short list of some examples of things that I ALWAYS try to keep on hand in case of hunger emergencies!!! Fiber One Chocolate Granola Bar Pre-peeled orange slices Cleaned and cut raw celery with 2 tablespoons of peanut butter A fresh, crisp apple 

Monthly Challenge

Monthly Challenge

This is officially our Yet to Be Named Sisterhood (YTBNSH) first Monthly Challenge. This challenge is for the entire month of July 2009, and it is taken from the Weight Watcher’s website – YEAH WW!!! 🙂 The content has been slightly modified to fit this 

This is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life!!!

This is the First Day of the Rest of Your Life!!!

Alright! You may not know this, but I LOVE journals!!! Every time I start a new one I always start with the phrase “This is the first day of the rest of my life”, which it is!!! I am so happy to say that this