A Day of Movement!

A Day of Movement!

Good evening! Today has been almost a picture perfect, albeit a bit chilly Spring day here in Oregon!!! I have been in a go-go-go-I’m-on-a-roll-crossing-off-all-sorts-of-stuff-off-my-to-do-list-kind-of-mode all day!! and even though I have a tendency to be a bit manic while I am in this mode, just 

Getting Unstuck!

Getting Unstuck!

Good evening! Do you ever feel stuck??? I do, and have been struggling with this nagging feeling of being stuck for quite some time. Today, while I was listening to some positivity, it hit me like a ton of bricks when I heard the speaker 

Inspirational Thought Wednesday!

Inspirational Thought Wednesday!

Good evening! “A day at a time, a walk at a time, even a simple step at a time, my sad and tangled life began to sort itself. I say sort itself because all I did was “walk through it.” I have been walking ever 

Honoring Your Inner Child!

Honoring Your Inner Child!

Good evening! I wanted to talk about something that has been on my mind for the past few months, and that is about honoring your inner child, or at least my perspective on my inner child and my reconciliation with the idea that I need