Soul Book Club #5!

Good morning, and OH MY!!

I have been doing such a bad job of keeping my blog in sync with my YouTube channel, so I thought I would take a few minutes over the next day or so to get myself caught up!

This week’s video is utilizing a technique that is one of my favorites. It consists of a stencil, some of your favorite acrylic paint colors, and a baby wipe! Super easy, but the end result looks a little bit magical – if I may say so myself!!

This week I show you how to easily get words down on your pages; the technique I am most proud of sharing is the homemade carbon paper transfer technique! Go check that out!

For this week’s thought, “She did it anyway.” Is something that is very near and dear to my heart! Being someone who lives with, what at times can be very severe anxiety issues, this is a sentiment that I should probably have tattooed to myself so that I never forget and am always reminded. Just because she felt *fill in the blank*, she did it anyway! I get so much more done in my life when I remember this truth for myself!

Here is to a She Did It Anyway kind of Day!!