What a Difference Some Help Makes!

Crown HeaderGood morning!

Do you know how hard it is for someone like me to ask for help????

I am not sure where I got the crazy notion that if I don’t do something completely, like as in 100% on my own, I somehow can not take any pride or credit for a job well done! Where the heck do crazy ideas like that come from anyway!!???

I went to Brave Girls Symposium this year, and I learned SOOOOOOO MUCH!! but one of the things that I learned that I am really striving to take action on is that you do not have to go through this journey, called life, on your own. Now, don’t get me wrong, I have an INCREDIBLE husband who stands by my side through thick and thin, and I have family members who I would take a bullet for – no questions asked, but to ask for help in any other area in my life??? Forget about it!

  • If I am having trouble with my fitness goals – “figure it out!”
  • If am having trouble staying on task with my nutritional goals – “suck it up, buttercup!”
  • If I am struggling carrying all of our personal finances by myself – “you had better work harder!”
  • If my house looks like it could be on the next episode of hoarders – “sorry, you made this mess”
  • If I want to take my business to the world but have no idea where to start –  “Others have magically done it on their own, why can’t you?”
  • If I feel that my mental health is suffering – “If you say anything they will just confirm you are crazy!”


You, my friend, myself included, are not an island!!

We are a tribe!!!

You need me, I need you!

No one was ever meant to walk through this journey, we call life, alone. That is why the Universe created others all around us! So we can support each other, cheer each other on, and lift each other up, whenever, wherever, and however often we need it! This is what makes the human race so INSANELY AWESOME!!! 

Audrey Hepburn once said,

“As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others.”

I have always been a big fan of Audrey Hepburn, but it is only now, at 40 years old, that I realize how important, and RIGHT ON this message is!!

In the past month, I have reached out to an AMAZING woman to seek out her help as a life coach, I have started seeing an extremely KIND and GENTLE man to help me with my anxiety, and I have recently reconnected with someone from my past, someone who has always been a second mama to me a real, in-the-flesh, WALKING ANGEL!!! I can honestly tell you, in just one month’s time, because I was willing to reach out for help, as well as put myself out there to help others I have an overwhelming sense of joy, hope for the future, and really just a sense of quiet peace!! Anyone who intimately knows me, knows that that is INCREDIBLE!!! 😉

I challenge you to ask for help. What do you need today? If you can’t find someone to help you, reach out and help someone else! I guarantee that goodness will come back to you!

Here is to living a BEAUTIFUL CREATIVE life! 🙂

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If you want to have a different life, live differently!