My Day of Awesomeness!

Crown HeaderGood evening!

I have been having a…er…let’s just say…a challenging kind of week or two! This morning, I realized that I was walking on a slippery slope of wallowing in negativity, which then has the ability to create more negativity, you’ve heard the saying – you get what your mind stays focused on!

Anyway, I decided that I had better change what I focus on tout de suite!! So, I decided that today would be


My Day Of Awesomeness is basically my version of Pollyanna’s Glad Game! I purposefully and actively look for the good in everything that comes my way in a day!! NO MATTER WHAT MIGHT BE HAPPENING!! It is not always easy, but now that I have done this all day, it really has made a big difference in my attitude this evening!!

I thought I would share my list of AWESOMENESS that I have accumulated for today!! 🙂

  1. Jason made me laugh this as he saw me off to work this morning
  2. I didn’t have to follow Queen Roadrage on the way to work today (that was how my yesterday morning started!)
  3. Followed Slowpoke McGee on drive in this morning, but every time we hit a red light he took his baseball cap and scratched his head…maybe he’s OCD? Or he needs a bigger hat? Or maybe he had a poorly placed mosquito bite??? The possibilities were endless, and thinking about it made me laugh! Completely changed my attitude towards him! Not only that, but this poor guy was a HUGE guy in an itty bitty toy sized truck! I felt for him!
  4. Brad Paisley music is fun to sing really loud to – and that is what I got to listen to in the car!
  5. Got the perfect spot on 5th floor of parking garage
  6. Got to work on time
  7. My coworkers Karla and Britany are such a breathe of fresh air!!! I LOVE them!!!
  8. Had fun helping Gayle in her office! (Gayle is one of my glamorous peeps at work!)
  9. Got to enjoy a skinny, sugar free, iced mocha this morning!
  10. Jennie was in the bed control meeting this morning! She’s awesome!!!!
  11. Got to surprise my coffee guy by going back and thanking him for my “AWESOME” drink! He was tickled pink! (At least I would like to think so!!!)
  12. Robyn says that since today is St Paddy’s Day if you wear green you get “smooches”, if you don’t, you get “pinches”! (I LOVE THAT!!!)
  13. Had a giggling lunch with my girlfriend, Chris!
  14. Got to make someone’s day making them a mock voodoo doll to help put things in perspective!
  15. Had a brownie at the office’s after lunch dessert bar celebration! YUMMY!!!
  16. Got off work only 15 minutes late…which is not something I get to do so often – I am usually SOOOO MUCH later!! So…WHOO! HOO!!!
  17. I finished recording my Art Journal Thursday video, and made headway editing it for Thursday!
  18. I finished an entire art journal this afternoon, which I LOVE because not only do I get to start a new journal, it is a little smaller, so it will be more to work in – not so much pressure to produce on such large real estate!!
  19. I tried a favorite recipe, from memory, that my x-boyfriend’s mom taught me when I was a teen and it turned out AWESOMELY!!! (It was Tater Tot Casserole!, in case you were curious!!!)
  20. As of this evening, we are officially caught up on all of our bills and are back on our way to being debt free again!! CAN I GET AN AMEN???
  21. My sweetie came home in a really good mood this evening!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! 😉 He is such a charmer!! I JUST LOVE THAT MAN!!! 😉
  22. I got to spend some time peacefully listening to some fun country music this evening!!
  23. I am loving the knowledge that I will be crawling into a well made bed this evening, with freshly cleaned sheets!! AAAAH!! It’s the simple things in life…I AM TELLING YOU!!! 😉

WHEW!!! It is AMAZING how just changing your focus really changes your entire outlook on what is possible in any given day!! I would encourage you to give it a try…matter of fact, I may just do that again tomorrow!!! 😉

Here is to having a BEAUTIFUL CREATIVE life!! 😉

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If you want to have a different life, live differently!