A Quick Post!

A Quick Post!

Crown HeaderGood evening!

I just have time for a quick post before I zip off to bed this evening!

Listening: I am watching a Matlock DVD, playing on the tele – I just LOVE this show – takes me back to my childhood! Just the intro credits makes my spleen smile!! (Trust me that is a GOOD THING!!)

Reading: I am reading Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, and Two for the Dough by Janet Evonovich

Drinking: An iced, sugar free, sparkling water, Wild Cherry (my FAVE!!), with a red straw, out of a cute mason jar

Wearing: Some comfy PJs, the kind with pants and a long top, and some fuzzy socks (yep, that’s how we roll!!)

Feeling: Tired, but so thankful for my comfy home and for all of those peeps in my life who love me, including my two four-legged babies!!

Wanting: An uninterrupted night of deep, refreshing sleep, in a well made bed!!! OH SWEET BLISS!!!

Needing: Did I mention I need sleep? I think the cold that took me out on Thursday and Friday has morphed into full on bronchitis, which means I have been a coughing fool the past two days/nights, so I think sleep – GOOD QUALITY SLEEP is definitely in order!!!

Thinking: Maybe I had better plan out my week before bed! Mama’s got a lot that she is wanting to accomplish! Plus I have an interview on Tuesday! YEAH!!! 😉

Loving: My sweetie (he is my HERO!!), my M-I-L (she is AMAZING!! and she sounds so HAPPY!!!), my sistahs (they cheer me on and keep me motivated to do my BEST every day!!)! Have I mentioned, I LOVE MY PEEPS!!!

Mantra: I am on my right path! I know who I am! I like who I am! I know what I have to do to keep moving forward! I am blessed!

Ooh! That felt really good to say that out loud!!! 😉

Here is to a FABULOUS evening!

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If you want to have a different life, live differently!