The Importance of a Morning Routine!

Crown HeaderGood morning!

What is your morning routine? It is one of the questions that Oprah Winfrey asks on her Steep Your Soul interview series. It is something that I have been thinking about a lot, so I thought I would share with you my morning routine!

5:30 am

  • Get up
  • Drink a glass of water
  • Get dressed in my work out clothes
  • Get my sweetie up-and-at-em
  • Make the bed

6 am

  • Feed the dogs
  • Make our breakfast
  • Pack my sweetie’s lunch
  • Eat

6:30 am

  • See my sweetie off to work
  • Take my two four-legged girls for their morning walk
  • Load them into their stroller (yes, I am one of those “mommies”) 😉 and head out for about a brisk 45 minute walk; focusing on being grateful for what I have and envisioning my dream life, and how to get there

7:30 am

  • Get everyone back into the house
  • Stretch/yoga/pilates
  • Meditation

8 am

  • Go over my to-do list, that I had planned the night before, and get started with my day!

Now, that I see this Morning Routine written down in black and white, it seems pretty opulent, but in all honesty I am really enjoying it. I can feel myself falling into a morning of gratitude, and peace, which is something that I had been lacking lately, but have been sorely been needing!

Do you have a morning, routine?

What is it???

Please share in the comments section! 🙂

Here is to a PEACEFUL day! 🙂


If you want to have a different life, you have to live differently!