Jumping Back In!

Crown HeaderGood afternoon!

There has been so much that has happened between when I last posted, and today, that I am a little bit overwhelmed with where to begin, so I just thought I would take a deep breathe and just jump back in!

As previously promised, big, BIG changes have been going on around in my world!!

The summed up version…well… I have left my job, hopped into the world of consulting, and in July am preparing to leave my field of work in it’s entirety!


and OMG! What the heck are you doing you crazy person???

At least that is what my inner critic is saying to myself!

Listen you! I have got important work to do, so back off!!

Whew! Now I feel better! πŸ˜‰

Well, last time we spoke was in February. Since then:

  • My sweetie and I have gotten ourselves out of debt.
  • I went to Brave Girls Camp, which deserves a post all on its own.
  • I have left my job that I had been at for almost 14 years
  • I started a consulting job that requires me to commute almost 5 hours every day but pays more than I ever dreamed possible
  • My sweetie is happily, and very successfully, if I might add, helping his brother grow his home remodeling business
  • I am in love with that man of mine more now than I thought was humanly possible – I think we have hit the bliss stage of marriage
  • I have gained almost 20 pounds since starting this job, 2 months ago (didn’t know that was possible), which is about 35 pounds more than my lowest weight, which means mama’s got some serious work to do
  • I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel, and will be able to start putting my own wants and needs back on my radar again; and that has been a long, loooong time coming!! πŸ˜‰

My official plan right now is that after, July3 (my last day as a consultant), I am taking one entire month off!

No guilt!

No obligations!

No shame!

No blame!

This will be my time to get to know me again.

What do I really want?

No, I mean, what do I really, REALLY want?

How much sleep do I need to feel awake?

Which foods agree with me and which don’t?

What do I really, REALLY want to be when I grow up?

Do I want to go back to school?

Do I want to be an artist? If so, what does that look like?

Is now the time to start my business? What would that look like?

The list goes on and on and on and on and…well, you get the idea!

This is such a luxury to be able to take this break, and I truly feel blessed to finally be in a situation where this is possible. After that month off? I am not exactly sure what is going to happen, I am just going to be playing life by ear.

My purpose is to find my joy and then get out there and go live it!!

My husband and I have agreed that I will be taking a 6 month to 1 year sabbatical from a “J-O-B”, which isn’t to say that I am not going to be working, but it is not going to be a typical 9 to 5.

What am I looking for?



Creativity every day

Authenticity in the work that I am doing

Freedom to do what I want, when I want, how I want

Opportunities to work with dynamic and creative women who inspire me

Beauty all around me as a habit


Work/Life balance

A sense of contribution

A sense that I am know, that I am loved, and that I matter!!!

That’s not too much to ask for, is it?? πŸ™‚

I know it will be a lot of hard work, but I am certain that I am well on my way! I can feel it down to my very core of who I am.

This is all going to be a very good thing!!!

Any words of encouragement would be greatly appreciated!!! πŸ™‚

Here is to a FABULOUS day! πŸ™‚

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If you want to have a different life, you have to live differently!!