Friday’s Bliss List!

HappyGood afternoon!

Friday is the day that I am trying to focus all of my energies on what has blessed me this week, and what generally just makes me happy when I think about!!

Here is this Friday’s Bliss List! 🙂

  1. My sweetie! I know he is on my list every week, but he works so very hard for us, and this week he did the dishes and took out all of the garbage without being asked on top of working crazy hours, like the wild man of Borneo!!!! WHAT A MAN!!! 😉
  2. My niece Megan! It was her birthday this Wednesday, and my sweetie and I are going to her birthday party this evening!! She is such a ray of sunshine in my life!! I AM SO THANKFUL FOR THIS LITTLE GIRL!!! 😉
  3. Girl friends, both old and new! It is such a great feeling to know that there are amazing women who’ve got my back, no matter what!! I LOVE MY GIRLS!!!
  4. My art studio! I am so thankful for a space to call my own, where I can make a creatively beautiful mess and leave it all until I can come back to it again to art some more!
  5. My two, four-legged girls, Faye and Sophie!! They are just so much fun to watch play every evening – especially on the rare occasion when they get to hang out in bed with my sweetie and I before bed!! They are filled with SOOOOO MUCH JOY!! 😉
  6. My 2014 planner. Is a planner a weird thing to have on a Bliss List??? Naw! I really am thankful for it. It is really helping me stay focused on what is important to me. With it’s help, I can see that where I am going is really possible!
  7. The movie soundtrack of The Secret Life of Walter Mitty! I am currently rocking that music in my car, and I have decided, that for now, it might be the soundtrack of my life!! I LOVE THIS MUSIC!!! 😉
  8. Our new doggie stroller! Yes, I know, I know, I AM one of THOSE WOMEN!!! But since we have gotten this doggie stroller, I have been able to get my booty out on my walks because I know I am not leaving my sweet Faye and Sophie at home for another hour a day, by themselves!! That’s not spoiled, is it??? 😉
  9. Goodwill! I am so thankful to have a place, close to home, that does good for others with the donations I have been giving them! It has given me an easy and safe way to donate our extras out of our home, as we have been working on simplifying our lives! 🙂
  10. Finally, I am so very thankful for the early hours of the morning, the ones where I can get up before anyone else, and just take time to be quiet, and take care of what’s going on in my head! I feel like I am able to seriously focus on creating a healthy relationship with myself. I think it is about time!! 🙂

My Focus for This Next Week:

  1. I am hoping that this next week brings me wisdom and clarity in what steps to take next, not only in my daily life, but in my dream life!
  2. I want to be brave and keep reaching out to my girl friends, I know that I need a lot of time alone to re-energize, but just the couple of times this week that I have made a concerted effort to hang out with my girl friends, and have really made my week really fun!
  3. I need to keep cleaning out the clutter! Cleaning out a condo that you have lived in for 7 years, is not as easy as I thought it would be, or as quick either, but through baby steps I have been making my way through it. I want to make sure to continue on to my path of “Live simply so others may simply live”!
  4. I need to get my booty moving more consistently! I am doing a good job taking those baby steps, I am so fond of – making sure my running shoes are close at hand, avoiding all elevators, parking farther away from the office. I can tell that it is time to add more!!
  5. and finally I want to focus on staying positive in my work life. My job is very stressful and we are going through change after change after change (isn’t that true everywhere??). I need to remain focused on what is positive there, and how it is helping me get to my financial goals so I will finally be able to step out and try something new!

I hope anyone reading this might be inspired to try out there own Friday Bliss List!! If you do, please feel free to share in the comments! I would love to hear from you! Oh, and if you haven’t had a chance to follow my blog, please do so by clicking on the follow button on the upper right-hand column of this page! 🙂

Hear is to a Friday of BLESSINGS! 🙂

Signature Line

If you want to have a different life, you have to live differently!!