Ready for Thanksgiving!

Good evening!

I have had a pretty darn good day today! It completely helped that today is my Friday to a 4-day weekend, I got off work a little early this afternoon, and that my sweetie has been completely and totally charmingly helpful this evening! What a gem he is!!!

Not only that, but he has single-handedly prepped everything for Thanksgiving dinner, so besides the actual cooking, everything that can be ready for Thanksgiving is ready. WHEW!! Although he did get enough groceries to feed an army!!!  LOL!!

Tomorrow, we are expecting our very good friends, Dawn and Errin to join us for our Thanksgiving !! I am so excited, I really can not wait!! I am also planning on making the calls to all the family to make sure that the family is doing well, and enjoying their Thanksgivings as well!! I just need to make sure that I don’t get so busy that I forget! SHEESH!! That would make me bad daughter/sister for the year!!! 😉

What are all of your plans for Thanksgiving? Are you planning on spending it with your loved ones?

So for some randomness:

It has been a really rainy week here in Oregon, matter of fact, I am wondering when it is going to start flooding here, if it hasn’t already! I absolutely adore rainy days, which is one of the main reasons I live here in Oregon.  I was reading today that 2 of the top 50 healthiest US cities for Women are Seatlle, WA, which is #15, and Beaverton, OR/Vancouver, WA are #30, which makes me happier about living here, but makes me think about the possibility of moving up north to either Portland or Seattle again. Anyway, I am not sure where those thoughts came from, but I am just keepin’ it real here!! 😉

Anyway, I am off to enjoy the rest of my night!

Have a FABULOUS evening! ;-)