A Little Bit of Truth

Well, ladies and gentlemen.

I would love to tell you that I am having a great night, unfortunately I am not.

I would love to tell you that everything in my life is perfect, alas, that too, it is not.

I would love to tell you that I always have the right words to say, but sometimes the words get all used up and depleted. I feel a little like tonight is one of those nights.

I am going to share something seriously personal, and I want what I have to say to remain in this room, if you don’t mind. 😉 My sweetie and I are trying to decide if we should stay together or not.

Wow! even though I felt like I was whispering that so quietly, reading it here feels like I am yelling it at the top of my lungs.

You know, the fact of the matter is, is that I love that man like crazy, but I am learning that maybe sometimes love isn’t enough. Sometimes the annoyances of real life, and a lot of stupid little nothings get in the way of happiness. Sometimes choosing to stay with someone is just that, a choice. A choice to be happy. or a choice to be miserable. I can’t tell you which choice is which. and I honestly don’t know what choice is going to be made this evening.

I honestly couldn’t imagine my life without Jason. He has been my lover, soul mate, playmate, shoulder to cry on, cheerleader, protector, and my best friend for the past 17 years; but maybe it will all just turn out for the best. that is what I am banking on. one way or the other.

How sad is this posting – right?? I am sorry to be such a stick-in-the-mud, but I think instead of just pretending to smile and tell you all that everything is going honey-dorey. I thought a little bit of truth might just be in order.

As I close this post for the evening, I would love to tell you all to have a fabulous night, but I think I would rather just tell you to take care of yourself, and be thankful for those around you that you can share your love and life with, even if just for a short amount of time. Share your love with them completely, don’t hold back. Life truly is too short to be wasted.

Thank you so much for letting me go on, I am sure we will have it all worked out in the morning. We will see.

~Christina 🙂