Being Sick Is So Inconvenient!

Good evening!

I would love to tell you that I am having a great day today, but the honesty is, I left the office early today, because someone, me, has some kind of a bug, and I am feeling kinda crummy! I have tried sleeping it off to no avail, so I am downstairs with my sweetie, trying to distract myself better! I am not sure if it is working, but it is nice to have something else to dwell on!

I have been giving this weekend a lot of thought, seeing that it is going to be a 5-day weekend, and Jason and I have agreed on doing a kind of stay-cation! We have a small list of things that we are wanting to do, and I am sure that combined with these activities we will have a GREAT anniversary/4th of July weekend!!

  • Hit the movies
  • Casino for brunch
  • Spend some time over at Borders
  • Picnic in the park with our girls
  • Do some serious swim-time in our pool
  • Maybe peruse a couple of garage sales

Salem doesn’t exactly have a plethora of entertainment opportunities, but I am sure we will manage to find some place/activity to make our weekend memorable/restful!! Not to mention, I do need to get caught up on some house chores, and make some time to clear my head and just focus on creating some art. That is the goal after all, isn’t it?

I haven’t really been making much time to be creative lately. I think subconsciously I was getting warm to what I was looking for, and really scared the heck out of myself! So, I had stopped almost cold turkey, including my morning pages! Ok, so I see what I have done, I will get back to what I know I should be doing tomorrow morning! I will keep you posted!

As I hunker down for the evening, and cherish the ice cold popscicles my sweetie just brought home for my ache-ey throat…

Have a FABULOUS evening! 🙂