A Naked Sunday!!

Good morning!!

Did I tell you how divinely and utterly happy I am? I am enjoying a nice quiet morning at home! I am washed, buffed, coiffed and ready to enjoy the day!!

Jason and I have no real plans this morning, but I think I am going to let him kick my booty at a couple of games of chess! He LOVES doing that, and I honestly STINK at chess!! QUEL RAT!!! πŸ˜‰

This evening my sweetie and are heading to Albany to go to a church service with my dad! My dad is going to be sing a solo, and I haven’t heard him sing in a long, looooong time!!! Maybe I will be able to take a recording and post the video clip here. Hmmmmm….I will get back tyou on that!!

Yesterday, when I spent some time browsing at Tar-Jay!! I found a lot of pieces that made my current color scheme, make sense, and I thought I would post them here, to not only share them with you, but to also record them here so I can call on these at a later time!!! πŸ˜‰

Have a FABULOUS afternoon!!!