Friday Evening of Inspiration!

Good evening!!

I have had a surprisingly good day today at work! I KNOW – I REALLY DID SAY THAT!!! Work was good! Yes, there were a couple of stressful moments today, but I felt I was really productive, and there MIGHT be a light at the end of this crazy tunnel!! and I may have realized today that the light ISN’T a TRAIN!! LOL! 😉

What a good day!!! My hubby and I just got home, and Jason is in the kitchen cooking my FAVORITE DINNER!!! Shake ‘n Bake pork chops with mashed potatoes and steamed broccoli!!! This dinner reminds me of home!!! Comfort food!!! God bless that man of mine!! What a KEEPER!!! 😉

After dinner this evening, I think the plan is that we are going to watch another episode of Bones off of NetFlix, and then we are going to go enjoy a late night walk through the neighborhood!

I thought I would share a couple of pics that have been inspiring me lately!!

If I were to psychoanalyze these, I think I am being drawn towards strong, sexy, powerful women, a luxuriously scrumptious home, a FABULOUS hairstyle, and a rockin’ load of self confidence!! Of course these are all things that I am longing for and in myself!!!

Tell me what kind of things are inspiring you, in the comments above! I am always curious to know what makes other people tick!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!!! 😉