60 Day Life Makeover???

Do you think it is possible to completely change the direction of your life in 60 days???? This idea has been running through my mind all day! I know that it is possible to change your life in an instant, but is that decision something that if maintained for a full 60 days, can it really make you a different person than who you are today??? Not that I don’t love who I am, I just know that I want to be the BEST ME THAT I CAN BE!!!

Gosh, the only way I know to figure this conundrum out is to test it!! but, if you’ve followed my blog, you would know that I don’t do so hot at actually following through to completion any of these self-imposed challenges. Anyone else have the same problem????

If I were to completely change my life in 60 days, what would I have to do????

  1. I would have to change how I spend my free time
  2. I would have to change how I spend my money
  3. I would have to change how I see the world

OH, is that all???? I will have to get right on that!!! LOL! šŸ˜‰

No seriously, New Years is coming in just a few days, and I was thinking about what new resolutions I was going to make this year, and wouldn’t it be cool if I could start it by doing something cool with myself??? I think that would be pretty phenomenal!!

I will have to give this some serious thought, but I think that if I am going to do this, I am going to first have to decide, where do I want to be in 60 days??? 60 days older? 60 days wiser? thinner? richer? more organized? What? What do I want???

Let me give this some serious thought, and I will get back to you!!

Have a FABULOUS evening! šŸ˜‰