Learning Spontaneity!

Happy Halloween Chickies!!!

You might be surprised to hear that I sometimes have problems with being spontaneous – shocking, I am sure!!! LOL!! (YES, Sweetie, that was a joke!) 😉

Well, I took a large leap of “Look at me, I can be spontaneous”, and took an impromptu road trip down to my family’s place down in Roseburg/Winston. I knew we would be cutting it close because we couldn’t stay for more than one night, and I knew that I would have a BUNCH of stuff to get done before bed on Sunday night, not to mention try to squeeze in a visit with everybody down there so we don’t make anyone feel left out or neglected. WHEW!!! That is a LOT to try and cram into just a few hours of daylight!!

Anyway, I would LOVE to tell you that everything went without a hitch, BUT… we had set up our dogs with bed, food, and water so that they could spend an evening by themselves. As Jason and I were leaving the house, Jason had been a little grouchy because he was coming down with a bug, and wasn’t feeling very well, and as I was pulling out of the driveway, Jason yells, “STOP THE CAR! I’M NOT GOING!” When I turned to looked at him to find out what happened, he had already hopped out of the car, and when I spun around to see what happened, I see that one of our chihuahuas has somehow gotten out and was trying to follow our car go down the drive. OMG – I would have FREAKED if we would have left for the night, and came home to only one dog!!! Long story short, pack up the dogs, they are going with us – they can sleep in the car overnight!

I would LOVE to tell you that everything went perfectly on this little adventure, but by the time we got to our family’s place Jason was full on sick, AKA the largest-man-baby EVER!!!! LOL!! and one of my sister’s were sick too – so I figured the sickies could keep each other company!! And when bedtime came, I just did NOT have the heart to make the girls’ sleep in the van by themselves, and because my sisters live in an apartment that won’t let animals through the doors, I bit the bullet, and my youngest sister and I slept in the van all night – YES – I SLEPT IN MY VAN — AND ON PURPOSE!!!

HAHAHA! Ok, I know it might sound like I am complaining, but we really did have a lot of fun! Ok, everyone besides maybe my sickie husband, Jason!

So, we made it home and tonight while we were all lazing around the house, we had a quick visit from some of our favorite Halloween kiddies tonight – thank goodness we had some dum-dum suckers on hand!! We don’t usually keep candy on hand, and what kind of auntie and uncle would we be if we couldn’t deliver for Halloween????

Anyway, all is good – I am getting excited about sleeping in my own bed this evening!!!

Have a FABULOUS evening!! 😉