Friday Night Take II!

I don’t have much to say tonight. I have been having problems with my blog, I think WordPress went down earlier for a little while and so I am recreating this posting one more time!!! I really don’t have anything witty, or zany to say. I am not doing anything great, I don’t have big plans, and I haven’t learned anything new in the last few hours.

I did make myself a FABULOUS dinner tonight using some leftovers from last night!! I made stuffed baked bell peppers! YUM!!! I am not sure if that sounds good to you, but trust me – it was AWESOME!!! I am trying to eat a more plant based diet, and I honestly thought it was going to be harder than it is, but I haven’t had cravings, nor have I felt like I was missing out on something. So that is AWESOME!!!

I am getting ready to spend my nice quiet evening at home, having Quantum Leap marathon. Did anyone else ever watch that show? It was one of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITES when I was a teenager. Sam was DREAMY!!!

Anyway, I am going to keep this short!

Have a FABULOUS evening! 😉