Off to the Beach Again!!!

Good morning!! I am SUPER EXCITED that I am getting ready to head out to the little beach house for another fun weekend at the coast!!! This time, I am taking my Daddy out there for Father’s Day weekend!!

My Dad and I don’t get to spend too much time together since he lives 2 hours away, and I am always soooo busy, and he doesn’t usually travel too far from home. So, I am sooooo excited for this weekend!!! I know we will be starting in Lincoln City, and then possibly going to Depot Bay and Newport, if we are feeling froggy!!! 😉

I am going to make it a point to get to this little coffee shop that is not too far from the beach house so that I can blog every evening! Plus, I KNOW that my dad might get a little stir crazy if he isn’t able to at least get online once a day!!! 😉 So keep an eye out! I will do my best to take a ton of pics, but then, when do I not???

I am also hoping that my dad will sit down with me, and let me interview him! I would LOVE to be able to post that interview here – so cross your fingers, and wish me luck!! 😉

Have a FABULOUS day, and hopefully I will post again this evening!!