Daily Update!

Well, I got to cross one of my life list items off today!! That feels pretty cool! The goal was to Get a bouquet of fresh flowers every week for an entire month, which I was able to do!!! My sweetie even brought me my last bouquet in honor of my birthday week!! YEAH BIRTHDAYS!!! 😉

Anyway, this goal was not about spending money on myself, although for the entire month all 4 bouquets cost me about $40 at my local farmers’ market! This challenge was about recognizing that I am worth going out of my way to pamper myself! I don’t need to wait for anyone to baby me, sometimes I can just baby myself!!!

One week the the bouquetwas sooo large that my office-mate helped turn one into 2 bouquets – THANK YOU, C!!!

Anyway, I will be back again tomorrow, since it is weigh-in day!!!
Wish me luck!!!
-Christina 😉