Daily Update!

Good morning!

I am getting ready to get my day going! It is going to be a typical day for me, except that I have a new aerobics class to go to tonight at 5 o’clock, and I am little nervous about it! I am not really sure what to expect, and I am worried that I will not be able to keep up or make through an entire class! That is alright, I am determined to eventually figure it all out! I have a long way to go, but I am taking helpful steps to get there!! YEAH!!!

Anyway, Jason and I went out with my sis-in-law and her kids a couple of weeks ago to get pictures taken at Deepwood Estates. I thought I would share a few of them with you! 🙂

The first picture (above) from left to right; Our nephew Morgan, my sweetie Jason, Me, my neice Megan, and my sis-in-law Nette.

This second picture is everyone in our gang, except for Morgan – he was playing somewhere in front of us. From left to right, Nette, Megan, Myself, and Jason.

Here is one of Morgan all by himself, his is climbing a tree, his FAVORITE pasttime!!!
And how about one with him hanging from the tree – please note the Power Ranger toys hanging from his pants!!! Hee! Hee! 😉

Here is my favorite one with Nette and the kids.

And last, but not least, one of my sweetie and I!
Have a FABULOUS morning!!! It looks like my husband might be a sicky this morning, so I am off to go baby him for awhile!!!
-Christina 😉