Just Getting Started!

Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I have decided that there are some things that I want to get out there into the universe! I do not want to be a woman who lives her life sitting on the sidelines hoping that some hero will come along and whisk me into a world where all of my dreams are fulfilled!!! I want to know that I made them happen, and that I grew and became a better person because of my efforts!!!

“Live! Live! Live! Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!!!”
– Auntie Mame

We had a bomb scare at my workplace yesterday – it was terrifying!!! It turned out to be a live bomb, that did not detonate. Fortunately no one was hurt and life can go on as usual here. Actually, there was a feeling of community among all of my coworkers and it made me feel proud to work here – even if I don’t always remember what a blessing it is to have this position. The first thing I did was call Jason (my sweetie) and told him that whatever he heard on the news, that is was not as bad as that and that I was safe – it did not seem to relieve him too much. After I got home I finally took some time to freak out about it myself and it made me put some things in my life in perspective. I guess all things do happen for a reason – even if it is just to get our attention.

Anyway, I am off to Portland to see my Aunt Flo tomorrow! I am just so excited!!! I haven’t seen her in forever!!! Her and I are very close in age and when I was a little girl I always wanted to be her! It is great knowing that as adults we can be friends!!! She is just too cool – she is in a kazoo band, can that be any cooler!!! 😉

I will chat more later!!!
love, me